I've cut out a muslin of the Simplicity 4135 - but got seriously distracted by thoughts of entering the PatternReview RTW/Designer KnockOff contest.
The dress that I'm in love with is this yellow Versace dress from their Spring collection...

More detail on the dress...

I just really love the color and the general prettiness of this dress. What I don't love is how its completely open at the sides, completely backless (you have to go on the Versace website, view the video of the runaway show to see the back detail, but its backless, trust me.)
So, I think I'll real-world it by upping the modesty factor slightly by adding sides, and maybe a really low cut back? Or maybe keep it backless, dunno.
Since I can't design patterns out of pictures (what, you didn't know this?) I think I'll use Simplicity 3750 as a jump off point... maybe?

Tt really would be fun to enter the contest. Of course, I only realistically have 10 days to muslin, fit, find fabric, sew... Doesn't seem realistic to me, even as I write this, but hey. Maybe?