Sunday, October 29, 2006

My aunt...

is an incredibly talented quilter and painter, who wades forth into new and ridiculously complicated patterns with a zest I can only admire afar. A few months back, I'd seen a picture of a leaf in a magazine that I'd asked her to paint for me.

Finally picked up my finished painting - voila!

Chandrama's paintings 

And in other crafting news, I have been crafting, but after putting together that big swap package, I've been crafting little stuff, a pair of earrings, another necklace I needed to re-do... But then yesterday, I figured I really needed to mail out my friend Shirin's package, with her birthday present, and I wanted to make her baby a baby quilt, so I've started piecing a quilt top. Its going to be a Trip around the world, and uses some of my fantastic african tie-dye that I really have too much of.

A picture or two...

Block un-pieced 

fabric close-up 

My friend Todd had a Halloween party Friday night. I knew about this for weeks, and yet I procrastinated on a costume. Finally, about 30 minutes before the party, I decided I was going as a window-sill. (It was a very last minute costume.) I appliqued (using very large stitches) some flower pots on an old sweater, added some fake flowers, attached a couple of clouds, and voila, I was set to go. It was a really lame costume, but a good conversation starter. Which I need, because I'm rubbish at parties where I don't know anyone.

The Tigers lost the World Series. I'm quite depressed. However, Michigan is kicking ass, and its almost the start of basketball season. November 18th, the big Michigan-Ohio State game is only a few weeks away, all in all, there's things to look forward to.

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