Lunch-time cooking - Lentils with spinach
It was done in about 40 minutes or so, which is perfect. Very little chopping as well, so a win-win. I tasted it as it was cooking, and it tasted yummy. But, I've some left-overs to eat first, so it'll be dinner tomorrow night, most likely.
Saturday night, I also made papad. Honestly, calling papad a recipe is cheating, really, since it involves opening a packet of papad, and toasting. Still, I was happy to oblige. Papad is good snack food for me - I can munch on these all evening long. (Which I did.)
Anyhoo - the thing with papad is that you can either deep fry them, or toast them on the stove top. My mom has a nifty little gadget for toasting the papad, which I made her buy for me as well. I tend not to like specialized one-function gadgets, but this one is pretty useful, and about the only way I know to toast papad. (I like the deep-fried ones well enough, but my hips tend not to agree.)
Here is my little papad toaster thingy, hard at work.
Heat element.
Add papad.
Flip papad sides till both sides get brown.
Eat (with beer to accompany it, of course.)
My papad had bits of black pepper in it, so it was pretty spicy. Other kinds have green chili, or cumin, or plain. If you are looking for them, any Indian grocery store will carry them, and they should run between $2 and $3 for a pack of about 10.
And finally, for no reason at all, a shot of Biscuit. (Ok, I have to leave her behind for the holidays, while I am off visiting my brother, so I feel pretty guilty. Poor kitty! I do have someone who will look in on her daily, but she's pretty social, and I'm afraid she'll be very lonely.)
Thank you for showing the papad toaster thingy. If I ever see it in a kitchen store or Indian grocery, I'll know what it is and how to use it! :)
Rose in SV
Is papad the same thing as a poppadom?
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