Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bounty from the garden - Sunday, July 28, 2013

Swiss chard, mint, chives, basil and more cherry tomatoes.

Yup, there's some shameless showing off here. In case you were wondering, I used the swiss chard in a curry, the chives and the mint in a salad (grated daikon radish, grated carrot, chopped chives, mint, lemon juice and salt). 


Kay said...
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Kay said...

Girl, you are making me jealous! lol.. share more garden pics please.. I love them!

I've missed gardening for 2 yrs now. Too much going on.. maybe next year!

Clio said...

You should be pretty proud! Those are some beautiful veggies and herbs.

Kristy Chan said...

Fantastic work. I've got such a brown thumb that I could barely get mint to grow, even though it's supposed to spread like a weed!