It was a fun mail day yesterday. I received my swap package from Carla, which had the most amazing scarf in it. I can't knit or crotchet, and I find myself incredibly drawn to scarves and gloves and hats.

Fun swap package from Carla
And Kelli sent me a really pretty wristlet! I really love it - it is exactly the kind of thing I'd be drawn to in a store, and talk myself out of buying. I think the best presents are things you would want to buy for yourself, but wouldn't.

My wristlet from Kelli
I love days when the mail is more than bills.
Last night, I had good intentions of pinning and starting to quilt, but found out I had the wrong size batting. It was 8.00pm, so I could have run to the store if I'd really wanted, but I didn't. I instead watched Friends and the Patriots, and made these... (I don't know what I'm going to do with these many little necklaces - but they are easy to do, and so I still keep making them. Maybe Christmas presents?)

Necklace 1

Necklace 2