Continuing the trend of sewing from stash, I made Simplicity 3751 from a piece of fabric that's been sitting in my stash for over a year. (I have a bad habit of buying remnants at fabric stores, attracted by their deeply discounted prices, and ending up with not enough fabric to make what I want. This shirt for example - I wanted sleeves, and didn't have enough fabric to make it work.)
I was fairly conflicted about this shirt before making it - it is fairly shapeless, which can either look easy and relaxed, or just shapeless. I've decided my top looks easy and relaxed, but I'd be avoiding it if I put on a few pounds - it can easily tip over into 'pregnant lady look'...
But I think I like it.
This picture shows how I'll likely be wearing it in fall. With a cardigan and jeans - easy-peasy weekend dressing.
Pattern mods - I started with a size 12 pattern, since for some reason, I'd bought a size 12-14-16-18 vs. something smaller. I'm a size 10 top in most big 4 patterns, so I knew I'd have some adjusting to do. To make it smaller, I (unscientifically took off 1" off the center seam - so, 4 inches off the entire top. And its still too wide - wow. I'd have been swimming in the 12.
Also, I took 2 inches off the length - my usual petite sizing. Also, I didn't really read the instructions, this is not a complicated shirt to make.
So, I think I finally have a sewing story that is successful, even if it is a mild success. Woo hoo!
End notes - I spent the day at my parents, much of it spent at my mom's sewing machine. She snapped this picture of me, hard at work.

I was making this quilt top, which, once finished, my mom is going to give to a friend of hers who had a new baby. (Well, actually, the baby's 6 months old. What can I say? I'm behind.) I'm quite pleased about sewing opportunities like this - it gives me a chance to sew down some stash, which means, I have room to buy more fabric. :)

Oh, and that fabric diet I put myself on? Still on it, if only because I haven't stepped into a fabric store since July, I think. November is looking very do-able.