Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's a cat's kitchen...

Read more here about the Madhur Jaffrey project - one of my 2010 goals. For an index of recipes, click here.

To paraphrase Karen:

It's a cat's kitchen... I just cook in it.

See something?

Here's who was hidden behind the dishes.

I had my back turned for 3 seconds, I swear. Biscuit is quick to make mischief.

Oh, the food? I made Mung dal na poora (Savory mung dal pancakes with onions) last night. Here's a photo of the batter (turmeric makes it yellow...)

And here's a photo of the finished pancakes. I had these for dinner, breakfast and lunch - they were very yummy. (And easy to make. Just some pre-soaking and grinding involved.)


Summerset said...

LOL! That's too funny that she's popped up there. Those pancakes look very, very good. Now I must go upstairs and make my own boring dinner, when now I'm hungry for Indian food!

anuradha said...

WOW! What a place to hide,she is CLEVER,is'nt she,looks very very CUTE!

AllisonC said...

Cats are crazy aren't they, mine jumped onto the cooker hob once and I freaked out so I hope she wont try that again! My version of this book is feeling woefully underused right now...