And here's mine. I left off the welt pockets (welt pockets in one evening? surely you jest.) I made it narrower than the Anthro version, but I'm pretty pleased with it.

"Wait a minute, Reethi!", alert readers might remark. "Weren't you going to make an obi belt?"
Why yes, that was the plan. Except, I pulled out the pleather, and I definitely didn't have enough to make the long ties. So, I had to do some fast thinking today, and draft up this alternative. Which I actually like quite a bit.
Construction details:
- I free-handed the front and side pieces of the belt, and then cut out 4 pieces of each (left front, right front, left facing & right facing.)
- Sewed the front & side pieces together.
- The back is a wide black piece of elastic, wrapped in a brown tube to completely cover it. (In Anthro's belt, they use what appears to be suede. I used some leftover brown knit I had lying around.)
- I sandwiched the back between the belt front & facing, and edge-stitched the pleather.
- The belt is fastened with hook & eye closures, that are hand-sewn on.
- Finally, the buttons are stitched on top, also hand-sewn on.
It wasn't a difficult project, but it did take the *entire* evening to construct. Ah well. I'd like to think it was worth it.
Also, you'd have seen it in the poncho pictures last night, but I did change the game plan on the grey belt as well. I decided to keep it simple, and make a 1.5 inch wide plain belt, with a silver buckle. Not many construction details worth mentioning, just that I did interface the front side, and left the lining side uninterfaced (self-lined using the same wool). I cut my interfacing so that my seam allowances would be uninterfaced, and then put belt & lining right sides together, sewed up the tube, turned right sides out, topstitched, and attached the buckle. Not complicated at all.