Read more here about the Madhur Jaffrey project - one of my 2010 goals. For an index of recipes, click here.In which I cook for other peopleMy workplace does a 13-Days-of-Christmas thing, where people sign up to bring snacks for our department. I signed up for Dec 3, which is why one might have found me cooking at midnight the day before, making 2 kinds of koo-koos.
December 2 - Kookoo with cauliflower and parsley
Kookoo with zucchini, dill and raisins(Picture taken during the cooking process. When done, it looked identical to the previous picture.)

The kookoos, were, sadly to say, not a great hit. They were tasty, but probably a bit different - I should have stuck to cookies. (However, as I've said before, I tend to prefer savory over sweet.) Still, it meant I had leftovers, and its hard to complain about that.
A kookoo is, for those that are wondering, like an omelet or a frittata. (And Persian in origin.) Eggs are mixed with vegetables, and then cooked in a skillet. The most complicated thing here was finding an appropriate sized skillet, and flipping the kookoo. As you can tell from the first picture, my kookoos held together, but the crust wasn't very even. (I need a non-stick skillet, what can I say?)
In which I misread cooking instructions
I had the day off work yesterday, and in between sewing, I managed to cook up a hasty vegetable dish. (In sewing news, the grey dress is finally finished - pictures to follow as soon as I can round up a parent or sibling to be the photographer)
I was skimming the recipe, doubly distracted by hunger pangs and thoughts of sewing, causing me to misread a recipe line. I needed
boiling potatoes, not
boiled potatoes. Hmm.
While this made the dish a lot mushier than it should have been, I have no complaints on taste. It is staggering how good eggplant and potatoes can be. Especially because reading the accompanying spices, this sounded like the kind of thing I'd make when there were no ingredients in the house. Cumin, chili powder and coriander powder are default Indian spices, and I tend to add to any vegetable, mix up and call it done. I have, however, never created anything as yummy as this dish.
Or maybe I was just hungry.
Dinner - December 4 - Eggplant and Potato
In which I recover after a night outEntirely too much partying was done last night, and as I staggered awake this afternoon, I was ready for some food that would make me feel human again.
Enter this scrambled egg recipe, which is the essence of simplicity, and takes less than 5 minutes to make. Accompanied by a mugful of green tea, and a hearty dollop of sriracha sauce. (Because, let's be clear, everything is better with sriracha sauce.)
And am I ready to rejoin the world of the living? The jury's still out on that.
Breakfast in the afternoon - December 5 - Scrambled eggs with Chinese chives
In which I ill-treat a catWhile Biscuit is spoiled and indulged in many ways, clearly, not so in the area of bedding. She sleeps on the couch, or in my fabric closet, or on the bed - but I'm not one who will get her a cat bed, since I'm fairly sure that any serious outlay of money will only be greeted by disdain. (I have a bunch of cat toys that prove this point, while Biscuit seems happiest rolling a pencil around the apartment.)
And so, here's the current version of a cat bed. Which is evidently quite a hit.